Nyah Payne
My most recent role was scriptwriter for the Friend Minecraft YouTube channel, which was such a fun job! It was a fast paced production process and videos came out rapidly, but these are some that I'm proudest of!
One of my very first videos on the channel, I was pleased with the reception this video got and loved developing an engaging forbidden love story!
This video is very special to me. I helped see the Friend channel to 1 million subs, and this was a celebratory video where we gave the previously silent protagonist his own voice for the first time. It was a huge change for the channel, and I am honoured to have helped with it.
Considering industry trends, I planned and scripted the first 'Hunted by my X Girlfriend' video trend that really picked up for the channel! But 'Glitch Girlfriend' was the first and best received, thanks in part to its originality!
Underdog stories often went down well on the channel, and this One Block video was perhaps my best executed of the bunch! If it wasn't obvious by now, I tend to excel at fantasy writing!
During my time at Tycer Media, Births to Deaths were my favourite videos to script, thanks to their shifting narratives focusing on character development! I'm particularly proud that I encouraged the channel to return to Births to Deaths once Friend had his voice, as they'd previously done poorly on the channel with a silent protagonist but were highly popular in the space at the time. The risk paid off, as Birth to Death of a Dragon was extremely well received!
My role often required me to write trendy content related to existing IPs, and my Venom video was one of my best received (and most fun)! Writing a main character with a different entity/personality permanently attached to him was a really fun challenge and, as seen by the views, created some highly engaging content!
Of all the trends I worked on, Sprunki was the most bizarre to me! A horror mod for a music game, there is little to no actual story behind Sprunki, so creating numerous storylines around those characters became a unique challenge! This particular approach really took off, thanks to the inclusion of a unique mechanic that hadn't been seen in any of the many other Sprunki videos in the space!
One of my final videos with the channel, this video, based on the Squid Game IP, was my first to hit a million views! This is thanks, in part, to the highly popular IP, but I am also proud of the quality of the video I helped to produce.